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Speechless: The Art of Wordless Picture Books

Speechless: The Art of Wordless Picture Books
The Eric Carl Museum of Picture Book Art

David Wiesner has won six Caldecott citations, five of which were awarded for his tour-de-force wordless picture books. He¡¯s now traded in his paints and brushes to curate Speechless, an exhibition celebrating other masters of the craft, including some of the artists who influenced his own remarkable career. In Speechless, Wiesner presents a 90-year history of graphic storytelling and examines how the wordless genre for children developed over time. Showcasing 22 seminal titles, the exhibition traces the form¡¯s emergence from the shadows of mainstream publishing to its enthusiastic embrace by the public today.

Curated by David Wiesner.

What to Expect
On view are 90 illustrations, preparatory sketches, and book dummies dating from 1932 to the present. A graphic timeline traces the publication history of wordless stories. The welcoming reading area offers over 100 wordless books to explore, including several out-of-print examples. Visitors are invited to draw their own wordless stories in a gallery activity.

Featured Artists
Molly Bang, Istvan Banyai, Ruth Carroll, Raúl Colón, Matthew Cordell, Donald Crews, Marla Frazee, Tana Hoban, Molly Idle, Suzy Lee, Barbara Lehman, Emily Arnold McCully, Jerry Pinkney, Chris Raschka, Christian Robinson, Eric Rohmann, Peter Sís, Shaun Tan, Tomi Ungerer, Issa Watanable, Lynd Ward

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 Speechless: The Art of Wordless Picture Books  
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 ÀÏ»óÀÇ ¿¹¼ú, ±×¸²Ã¥ Àü (Picturebook: play and link)  
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